with Anthony Newcombe

(published with permission from WritePlus.biz)
Arena: Healthcare and Politics (and why they don’t mix)
Topic: How do we manage to blame the ‘other party’ during a global pandemic?
I understand all too well that America in 2020 is in the midst of a political tug o’ war over, well, almost everything. We have demonstrated that we can brawl about just about anything: from guns and ammo, to impeachment, and just about every bit of minutiae worded in a congressional bill.
But, the coronavirus, seriously? I mean, do we really think that this little bugger even cares whether you are pro-life or not? Or, how about whether you have open carry permissions in your state? Or, whether you voted for Hillary or Trump in 2016? The obvious answer is NO, it does NOT.
It only cares about finding a way into your bloodstream (and mine, too) and causing enough harm to hopefully derail us from future family births, graduations, weddings, and the like. The virus is the real enemy, not your next door neighbor (with the Bernie bumper sticker you may despise).
Let’s try to bear all this mind moving forward. Remember, the people who #StayAtHome aren’t lazy, foolish or have an aversion to sunlight. They are, hopefully as you are too, trying to get this monster to go away. For good. So, let’s try to bury the egos, the bravado, and, in some cases, the reckless disregard for stay at home orders.
Until there’s a cure, that’s the best we can do. Oh, and if you think you are missing out on your fun and outdoor pleasures, tell me about it! I haven’t spent this much time indoors ever! And, I have as much sunshine outside my windows as any of you. But, the pool is still crystal blue. The ocean is likewise. And, with a little ‘kokua’ (‘cooperation,’ in Hawaiian) we’ll be back enjoying it all before too long. Hang in there, America! We need YOU (and all 325 million of your U.S. neighbors) to cooperate!
What do you think?
– A.N.
About our contributor:
“A Closer Look with Anthony Newcombe” is a 2020 post series that examines “hot button issues” ranging from politics to sports to, well, nearly anything and everything both inticing and current. Anthony is a 4-time entrepreneur, a published author, narrator, web developer and designer.
His current book, Sorry, 50 Is NOT The New 30, which is published in English, Spanish, French (with additional languages available later this spring). All multi-lingual editions are available for purchase via Amazon.com, BarnesAndNoble.com, and directly through his proprietary website, Sorry, 50 Is NOT The New 30.
Photo credit: BAN Solutions/ BAN Consulting ©2020 (presented in ‘cartoon style’)