with Anthony Newcombe

🎄Happy Holidays ALL!!🎄
This month’s topic: Required Tests for Congress Members
We’re going to end this year with a BANG!! Let’s just call it like it is: we need to require all candidates who run for all congressional seats and judicial appointments to pass a test that ensures they are: qualified, sane, interested, and able to perform all of the necessary duties of the job. We don’t have this in place at the time this blog goes to publishing.
Q: Could we ever be able to be hired for or allowed to start set foot in a job that we didn’t even want to succeed in?
Q: Would we ever be granted access to secrets of any business without first providing proof of qualifications for the position?
Q: Might we ever see a situation where employees (decision-makers) are allowed to cavalierly sit back and allow the company they are in charge of to be smashed to smithereens?
Clearly, the answers to all of the above hypothetical scenarios is of course, in fact, NO!!
It would never happen, and if it did, there would be a swift and permanent termination of employment and possible legal consequences beyond.
For these reasons, it seems asinine that we would think that this couldn’t, isn’t, or would never happen to our governing bodies. We are observing some of the most clear-cut examples of people with who have zero interest in continuing democracy: blitzing seats, refusing to govern, and participating in the some the most vile, pathetic – let alone dangerous – behavior imaginable. Why are we sitting back and allowing it? Why the continued lack of outrage?
Current major areas affected
Covid-19/ our collective health: 800,000 dead … say no more.
Overturning laws/ court uncertainty: If we no longer can trust the people who are creating, writing and adjudicating our laws, then how the heck are we supposed to abide by them?
Debt ambivalence: $30 Trillion? $35 Trill? How about a nice, round $40T? Why does it seem nobody’s bothered by this number anymore?
Civil disobedience: Are we paying attention to all of the destruction and anger we have towards each other? How about sharing commercial airplanes, public roadways, and other community space? Is it now the one with the biggest fists, guns, or whatever the one who has the last say? What have we become?
⏰Wake up call⏰
Look people. I don’t enjoy stopping at red lights in big city traffic any more than the guy next to me who thinks he’s Mario Andretti. But, one thing I do know … is if we all decide to continue to do our own thing, society as we know it may not know we all won’t last or be around much longer. I mean, how could it?!
Happy holidays (seriously) and see you in 2022 (… hopefully)