
How’s YOUR Summer?

3 Questions with Anthony Newcombe  Date: June 20, 2022  PEEVES (1) Last month, you shared some of the private jet passenger peeves. Any peeves on your end?  A: First of all, I never discuss peeves concerning passengers. However, on a personal note, I really can’t stand those little “freshener packets” that fly out of the bacon bits container […]

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The Essentials

3 Questions 3 QUESTIONS with our CEO, Anthony Newcombe Question 1: What item (or items) do you consider absolutely essential for air travel? A: I don’t leave home without my ear plugs/sleep mask kit. No matter where I go, I always prioritize “recharging.” Nothing will ruin a long trip more than the inability to sleep. […]

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3 Questions ASK our CEO, Anthony Newcombe🙋 GOOD BOOKS What have you been reading recently?  A:  I needed a good “filler” in between books, so I grabbed A Carlin Home Companion by Kelly Carlin, the late, great comedian’s daughter.  It was so interesting, I ended up delaying the one I was eagerly awaiting until I […]

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3 Questions

3 Questions for our CEO, Anthony Newcombe January, 2022 edition  1) What causes (charities) are you backing currently?  We’re directing traffic to assist the island of Tonga right now. For those who aren’t keeping up for whatever reason, the island just got annihilated by an underwater volcanic eruption and they are in desperate need of funds […]

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What’s up, Doc?

3 QUESTIONS December 22, 2021 Edition with ANJET CEO Anthony Newcombe  Have you it the “COVID CURB” yet? A: Fortunately, my family and I have been unaffected by the virus thus far. Unfortunately, like most everyone I’ve had to curb my travel, so I’ve created some new techniques to keep energized and focused at home […]

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👀A Closer Look …👀

with Anthony Newcombe 🎄Happy Holidays ALL!!🎄 This month’s topic: Required Tests for Congress Members We’re going to end this year with a BANG!! Let’s just call it like it is: we need to require all candidates who run for all congressional seats and judicial appointments to pass a test that ensures they are: qualified, sane, interested, and able to […]

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A Closer Look …

with Anthony Newcombe  published with permission from 🦃Date: November 5, 2021 🍂 👀This month’s topic:  👀 Did the American Worker Burnout (on America)?  We’ve always pride ourselves on our “American work ethic.” The number of hours we labor, the few paid vacation days we take advantage of – always the highest and lowest in the world […]

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A Closer Look …

with Anthony Newcombe ⚖️⚖️🛖🛖💼💼 Published with permission from 🎃October’s topic:  🎃 The “Cottage Industry” has caught up with me (finally) 20-plus years working in a remote setting … and wouldn’t change a thing!  Well, it took a while, but what can I say:  I TOLD you so!  Well, not entirely.  I spent much of my time since 1999 believing I had […]

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A Closer Look …👀👀👀

with Anthony Newcombe  published with permission from It’s practically another fall season, and I don’t know about YOU, but to US, it still feels like we’re inches from the summer sun! Some other areas of concern:   Covid continues to mutate and spread the world over Delta Variant Keeps Covid Moving   Wildfires have all but burned […]

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A Closer Look

with Anthony Newcombe  Published with permission from Title: W-T-F happened?  Topic: Wasn’t Covid in our rear window…#GuessNOT   Why is everyone testing positive NOW!?  We thought were heading outta this “thing?” I thought the stands were going to be filled with something OTHER than “flat-Stanleys?”  Weren’t we heading to the ball parks and arenas and concert venues again?  Didn’t […]

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